Summer in Cebu can be really hot. If you’re visiting the province during summer for some beach bum experiences, you need to exercise extra precaution if you want to survive under the severe heat of the sun. For domestic and foreign travelers planning to spend their summer in Cebu, continue reading the rest of the article to know more about what you can do before you run to the seashore at noon.
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Many expats and domestic travelers are eyeing for Cebu during summer. It’s no surprise that this province tops the Summer List because of its amazing beaches, islands, and waterfalls. But apart from being financially and emotionally prepared for a summer vacation, you should be physically ready as well because you never know when heatstroke will hit you, now that summer can be hotter than usual.

Cebu Summer Checklist
For first-time tourists in Cebu, here’s what you need to know when visiting the beaches in the summer.
Drink a lot of water
- Get hydrated all day! For those who are planning to get soaked in seawater or just plain sand, you need to bring a bottle of water with you so you would have something to drink when you feel thirsty. It is recommended that you bring your own tumbler of water especially during an island hopping when you’re just in the boat waiting to be transferred to another island.
Here’s a photo of sunblock to use on IG by @skincareshopcebu
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Bring your sunblock
- Take good care of your skin while under the sun by applying sunblock all over your face and body. It is important to note that the heat of the sun can be too much for your skin so better bring your sunblock if you don’t want to get any skin illness while enjoying the summer.
Here’s a photo of umbrellas on IG by @cebuzuckerbag
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Bring or buy your umbrella
- Umbrellas are one way you can protect yourself from extreme heat. This is your protection when you’re walking in the public places in Cebu such as markets and side streets.
Here’s a photo of loose clothes to wear on IG by @debiescloset
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Bring and wear loose clothes
- It’s less likely that you need jackets and thick kind of clothing because summer is summer here in Cebu. Even the nights can be as hot as the days! It is suggested that you wear loose clothes during your whole vacation because this will help you feel light.
Avoid large crowds
- As much as possible, stay away from a large circle of people especially when under the sun or within a closed area. Find an open space where you can rest and always keep a safe distance.
Here’s a photo inside a shopping mall on IG by @jmantalaba
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Spend time in a cool place
- Do this right after your body temperature lowers down. You will get sick for spending a lot of time under the heat then immediately enter an air-conditioned room. You can spend your time in malls and coffee shops at night if you want a more comfortable place after your whole day of exploring the beaches and islands.
Cebu is a good place to spend your summer. You won’t regret visiting this place because of what experiences it can offer.